Are you looking to surprise your loved ones with a beautiful bouquet of roses in Boca Raton? Look no further! Our roses delivery service is here to make your special moments even more memorable.
The best gift ever: two dozen red roses$170.00
Spring: bright flowers of Boca$115.00
Anniversary: flower arrangement$350.00
My Heartful Gift: Floral arrangement$55.00
Dozen red&white roses: flower arrangement$85.00
Dozen red roses in vase: flower arrangement$85.00
Best Wishes: 25 roses with tropical flowers$230.00
Romantic: flower arrangement$209.00
Aitana: 3 dozen red roses$250.00
At Viva Flowers Shop, we understand the significance of roses in expressing love, gratitude, and affection. That’s why we take great pride in delivering the freshest and most stunning roses right to your doorstep.
Why choose our roses delivery service?
1. Unmatched Quality
We believe that only the best is good enough for our customers. That’s why we source our roses from trusted local growers who share our commitment to quality. Each rose is carefully handpicked and arranged by our skilled florists to ensure that you receive a bouquet that exceeds your expectations.
2. Wide Selection
Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to brighten someone’s day, we have the perfect roses for every occasion. Choose from a variety of colors, including classic red, elegant white, romantic pink, and vibrant yellow. We also offer mixed bouquets that combine roses with other complementary flowers for a unique and eye-catching arrangement.
3. Convenient Delivery
Our flowers delivery service in Boca Raton is designed to make your life easier. Simply place your order online or give us a call, and we’ll take care of the rest. We offer same-day delivery for orders placed before [time], ensuring that your roses arrive fresh and beautiful, right on time.
4. Personalized Touch
We understand that every customer is unique, and we strive to provide a personalized experience for each and every one. Whether you want to add a heartfelt note, customize the bouquet with your loved one’s favorite flowers, or have any specific requests, our friendly team is here to make it happen.

So why wait? Surprise your loved ones with a stunning bouquet of roses delivered right to their doorstep. Our roses delivery service in Boca Raton is just a click or phone call away!